“Never Doubt That A Small Group Of Committed People Can Change The World.

Indeed, It Is The Only Thing That Ever Has” - Margaret Mead


AWEC - Animal Welfare Education Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization dedicated to improve the welfare of animals by educating the public about animal cruelty and how to prevent the abuse of animals.

At AWEC we believe that knowledge is power and education the most effective tool to address root causes of animal abuse. Therefore, AWEC serves as a comprehensive database and collection point for information about all types of animal cruelty occurring worldwide.

AWEC advocates the prevention of animal abuse through education and raising awareness. While crucially important for the rescue and rehabilitation of abused animals, the sad reality is that animal rescue groups and shelters are taking care of the misery once it has already happened. AWEC’s mission pursues a different approach: trying to prevent the misery from happening in the first place by educating children and adults about various kinds of animal cruelty and ways to foster animal welfare.

AWEC’s vision to increase animal welfare education embraces various projects:

  • development and implementation of comprehensive K-12 animal welfare lesson plans that assist educators in teaching children about the proper treatment and care of animals

  • development of informational material and educational resources for various platforms as listed below: 

a.     community events

b.     TV and radio shows 

c.     TV and radio commercials

d.     advertisements (magazines, newspapers, bus stops, taxi cabs, subways, trains, airplanes)

e.     billboards 

f.      flyers

g.     social media campaigns 

h.     email campaigns 

  • government advocacy:

a. work with legislative initiatives committee to prepare revisions and updates to code provisions

b. advocate for the effective enforcement of existing animal welfare and protection legislation

  • spay & neuter events

Benefits of animal abuse prevention (for our society at large and animals specifically):

  •  Ÿample research demonstrates there is a direct and proportional relationship between animal abuse, child abuse and domestic violence

  •  sheltering and euthanizing of unwanted and neglected animal companions costs US taxpayers 1 Billion USD every year (cost savings)

  •  proper treatment and care of animals leads to a healthier society

  •  direct link between empathy for animals and empathy for one’s fellow human beings

  •  by educating ourselves about animals and their needs, we increase our ability to appropriately care for our animal companions and for ourselves, our families and for other members of our community

  •  Ÿcreating a more empathetic and caring adult community begins by providing our children with (amongst other things) animal welfare education, thus our additional emphasis on the development and distribution of information which will be impactful to young people on this subject matter



AWEC’s website is an aggregator of information on animal welfare and the prevention of animal cruelty. As such the information on this site was sourced from other animal welfare organizations based on their research and expertise. AWEC did not write the text nor conduct research. We support other organizations by distributing their content. Attribution and links to informational sources on our website are given were possible. 

Please feel free to copy and distribute any content of this website. Help us spreading the word